
Register as a Technician



Congratulation on your decision to apply for registration as an Engineering Technician. You have developed your ability beyond that achieved in your academic formation to be a Registered Engineering Technician. It is also a mark of your commitment to Continuing the Professional Development of your professional expertise.

Achieving the title of a Registered Engineering Technician is an important landmark in any Engineering career. Successful achievement of the title Engineer will require effort and determination on your part as with any internationally recognized hallmark of Professional excellence.

These guidelines will assist you with the requirements for registration as an Engineering Technician. It is important to read the guidelines and familiarize yourself with what is required for the title. These guidelines also explain how to confirm your eligibility for the title.


Definition of a Registered Engineering Technician

“Registered Engineering Technician means a person who holds a COREN Accredited ND Engineering Qualification, Full Technological Certificate (FTC) or their equivalents and after obtaining a minimum professional experience of two years, whether working privately or in the employment of an engineering public organization, has passed the prescribed Engineering Practice Examination and is registered as such by the Council.

Eligibility/ Requirements for Registration as an Engineering Technician

Category I:    ND graduate or it’s equivalent after obtaining a minimum of 2 years relevant Professional Engineering Experience.


(i)       Evidence of earning of 2 Continuous Professional Development points.

(ii)      Submission of application through COREN online Registration Portal.

(ii)      Copy of required Engineering Qualification Certificate.

(iii)     Experience sheet as per format available on COREN website.

(iv)      Has passed Professional Exam conducted by COREN.

Category II: Absorption.

(i)        Submission of application through COREN online registration Portal.

(ii)       Submission of a certified true copy of NISET Certificate.


      Acceptable Academic Qualifications for Registration as an Engineering Technician

(a)        ND in Engineering from accredited polytechnics or Monotechnic.

(b)       Full Technological Certificate (FTC) Advance Technician Diploma.

(c)        Advanced NABTEB in Engineering-Related subjects.

(d)       Advanced C & G (WAEC).

(e)        Professional Diploma in Engineering from Polytechnics. E.g. Higher Technician. Diploma of NTA TV College, Jos.

(f)        Works Superintended Certificate from Works Training Schools.

(g)       NCE Technical Education.

(h)       Appropriate Certificate from Specialized Institutions such as National Power Institute of Nigeria, (NAPTIN).


(i)        All applications and relevant attachments required for registration must be submitted through the COREN PORTAL. Please note that you must click submit button to complete your application process. An email message will be sent to you immediately to confirm your submission.

(ii)       Physical examinations of all original credentials shall be performed. Photocopies and statements of results/transcripts are not acceptable.

(iii)      Photocopies and statements of results/transcripts are not acceptable.

(iv)     Sit for an oral interview.

(v)    Scoring shall be based on COREN approved guidelines comprising of 6 different sections. Candidates must score a minimum of 50% in each section in order to be registered.

Also, note the following specifics:

  • Assessment interviews will normally last between 25 and 30 minutes by a minimum of two members of the panel of experts having not less than ten years of professional experience. You will be provided 5 to 10 minutes at the start of the interview to give an uninterrupted verbal presentation about your professional competency. No presentation equipment will be allowed.
  • The panel of experts will then question you in relation to the contents of your application, focusing on your area of expertise.
  • The panel of experts is bound by the COREN code of ethics to maintain the confidentiality of assessment and information/data provided.


Council Shall Charge the Fees as in tables 1 and 2

Table 1.          Schedule of Fees for Registration (Personnel) via COREN Professional Examination.

DESCRIPTION                                                                    AMOUNT
Application & Processing Fee N 7,000 + N 30,000  =  N 37,000.00
Full Registration / Induction Fee                                    = N 22,000.00
Total                                    = N 59,000.00


Table 2.          Schedule of Fees for Registration through Absorption (Personnel) via Professional Associations.

DESCRIPTION                                                                    AMOUNT
Application & Processing Fee N 7,000 + N 5,000  =  N 12,000.00
Full Registration / Induction Fee                                    = N 22,000.00
Total                                    = N 34,000.00

Annual Practicing License

N 6000


Oral Interview- Areas of Focus

(i)         Knowledge and practice of engineering in: planning, design, production, construction, installation, fabrication, testing, commissioning, maintenance, operations, research, entrepreneurship, teaching and/ or sales of Engineering Products.

(ii)        Knowledge and understanding of:

(a)        Standards, Codes, Manuals, Handbooks and other documents that contain the body of knowledge and practice relevant to the field of engagement

(b)        Health, Safety and Environmental issues relevant to the area of practice.

(c)        The Engineers Code of Ethics, regulations and COREN Act.

(d)       Current Affairs (as related to Engineering Profession)

Oral Interview– Scoring Guide

  1. Clarity of Expression (5 Marks)

(i)         Communication Skills (2)

(ii)        Interpersonal Skills (1)

(iii)       Use of Technical Terminology (1)

(iv)       Grammar (1)

  1. Performance on Technical Questions (13 Marks)

Planning, design, production, construction, installation, fabrication, testing, commissioning, maintenance, operations, research, teaching services, entrepreneurship, sales of Engineering Products, etc. (13)


  1. Candidate’s Exposure in his chosen field in the following areas? (12)

(i)         Health, Safety and Environment (3)

(ii)        Ethics and relationship with Society (4)

(iii)       Standards, Codes, Specifications, Manuals, Handbooks etc. (3)

(iv)       Current Affairs (2)


In exercise of the powers conferred on it by the new Act (Section 6 (3)(f) “specifying the manner in which professional associations may certify their members for the purpose of registration ….”, and to facilitate absorption of members of the professional associations, Council approves the following guidelines for registration of Engineering Practitioners by the Nigerian Engineering Associations;

  1. That the Associations shall adopt Council’s approved guidelines for professional examinations for their respective cadres.
  2. That the Associations shall give a 2-weeks notice to Council on the date and venue of their examinations.
  3. That a Council Monitor appointed by the Chairman of the Engineering Practitioners Assessment Committee shall monitor the examination process of an association.
  4. That the Associations shall endeavor to keep the total financial burden(inclusive of branch charges) on prospective registrants at a reasonable level and in no case more than these;

Engineers              N50,000.00

Technologists        N30,000.00

Technicians           N20,000.00

Craftsmen             N10,000.00

How to Register on COREN Portal

    • Before you start filling the application form online,Download the Proposer form

      and Work Experience form

       as these are required documents to be uploaded during the registration process. Please ensure and confirm that your two (2) proposers are up to date in the payment of their annual practicing fee.

      • You are expected to fill in all the basic details required before proceeding to pay the registration fee online. Always ensure you use a valid email address and phone number when filling the form as this will be used to communicate with you throughout the registration process.
      • Choose your category as it applies to you. The cost of each category is as indicated. Fill in all the basic details, click on the Register button, it will bring up a pop box to verify your payment details. On confirming your payment details, click on the Pay button, you will be directed to the Remita payment gateway.
      • You may decide to pay online with your Credit Card or print the generated Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) number and proceed to any of the banks listed on the Remita Payment Gateway page to make payment. On successful payment of either of the payment options, your payment will be automatically updated and the registration process activated.
      • Click on the Login button to continue with your registration. Choose the Registered Applicant Option as Login Type. Enter the Email Address and Password you used when registering to login.
      • On successful login, click on the Application tab by the left, it will load all the information you are expected to fill.
      • Click on Profile Info, fill in the details under Basic, Contact and Other Information.
      • Click on all other relevant tabs – Education, Work Experience, Membership of Engineering Bodies, Non-Nigerian Extra Info (For Non-Nigerian only). 
      • Click on the Document tab to upload relevant documents.
      • Applicants coming through professional interview are expected to come with 3 copies of their projects to the examination center. 
      • You are required to scan and upload Original Copies of your Credentials. No single upload must be more than 500kb.
      • Applicants registered with COREN as a Technologist can apply as an Engineer one year after obtaining their PGD from a COREN accredited university.
      • When done, click on Preview Application and click submit on the left and right of the application.
      • Ensure your application status changes to awaiting admin action (if not, the application has not been submitted).
      • Click on this link to visit the Registration Page

      For complaints/support, you may visit the nearest COREN Office, send an email to, or

      Call:  08182255009, 08183355009, 08186655009, 08187755009


      For Nigerian Applicants – 6 Months

      For Expatriates – 3 Months