Brief History of COREN ERM
The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN, formerly known as Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria, was established as a statutory Regulatory organ of the Federal Government of Nigeria by Decree No. 55 of 1970, Amended by Decree 27 of 1992 and Engineers (Registration, ETC) ACT CAP EII/2004, Further Amended by Engineers (Registration, ETC) (Amendment) ACT No. 3, 2018.
Mandate of COREN
The Council has the Mandate and Powers to:
- to Regulate and Control the Practice of Engineering in all its aspects and ramifications.
- to determines who an engineering practitioner is and register them as Engineers, Engineering Technologists, Engineering Technicians or Engineering Craftsmen.
- to determine what standards of knowledge and skill are to be attained by persons seeking to be registered as engineering practitioners and raise such standards from time to time
- prosecuting any person or firm that contravenes the provisions of the Act in a court of competent jurisdiction;
- regulating industrial training schemes in engineering for the training of engineering practitioners and students;
- ensuring capacity building and monitoring local content development in the Nigerian engineering industry through :–
(i) mandatory attachment of Nigerians to expatriate engineering practitioners on major projects to understudy them from inception,
(ii) ensuring that all foreign engineering firms establish their design offices in Nigeria,
(iii) granting of compulsory attestation to all expatriate quota applications for engineering practitioners, including turnkey project, that there are no qualified and competent Nigerians for the job in question at the time of application and that granting of the expatriate quota shall be contingent on training of such number of persons as may be required for the execution of the job, and;
(iv) ensuring that, before being allowed to practise in Nigeria, such foreign engineering practitioners granted work permit, register with the Council and obtain such licences including practising licences as may be required from time to time;
7. investigating engineering failures; and
8. performing other functions conferred on the Council by this Act.
Function of COREN
The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria has three main functions namely;
- Engineering Regulations Monitoring.
- Education and Training – Accreditation.
- Registration of Engineering Practitioners and Firms (Consulting and Contracting) and Licencing.

Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria